1 | Selection of a high antocyanin-producing cell line from callus cultures of hybrid poplar (Populus alba L. x P. glandulosa Uyeki) – Myung Suk Choi & Young Goo Park 253
|  | 2.26 MB |
2 | Provenance variation, genotype by environment interactions and age-age correlations for Eucalyptus regnans on nine sites in south eastern Australia – C. A. Raymond, P. W. Volker & E. R. Williams 235
|  | 1.21 MB |
3 | Techniques of Plant Cytogenetics (J. Jahier, A. M. Chevre, F. Eber, R. Delourme & A. M. Tanguy, eds.) – Andrej Kormuťák 258
|  | 102.64 KB |
4 | List of PhD Theses in Forest Genetics and Related Fields, Part 3 (1995–1997) – L. Paule 259
|  | 53.59 KB |
5 | Contribution of Genetics to the Sustained Management of Global Forest Resources (August 22–28,1998, Beijing, China) 260
|  | 68.98 KB |
6 | Molecular properties of RAPDs in Pinus sylvestris (L.) and their implications for genetic analysis – Meng-Zhu Lu, Xiao-Ru Wang & Alfred E. Szmidt 227
|  | 4.98 MB |
7 | Mating system and genetic diversity in natural populations of knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata) – Jarosaw Burczyk, W.T. Adams & Jarbas Y. Shimizu 223
|  | 265.71 KB |
8 | Realized correlated responses at late stage from upward, downward, and stabilizing selection at nursery stage in Picea abies (L.) Karst. – Allan Breum Larsen, Hubert Wellendorf & Hans Roulund 189
|  | 615.36 KB |
9 | Genetic variation of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) in Spain – Dolores Agúndez, Bernd Degen, Georg von Wuehlisch & Ricardo Alia 201
|  | 489.24 KB |
10 | Changes in the mating systems of populations of Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea under domestication – Yongqi Zheng & Richard Ennos 209
|  | 462.85 KB |
11 | Estimation of mating system parameters of Albizia julibrissin (Fabaceae) – Mary Jo W. Godt J. L. Hamrick 217
|  | 375.76 KB |
12 | Variation in flowering and reproductive success in a Danish Picea abies(Karst.) seed orchard – Erik D. Kjaer & Hubert Wellendorf 181
|  | 625.42 KB |