1 | List of PhD theses in Forest Genetics, Part 1 (1995–1996) – L. Paule 243
|  | 173.62 KB |
2 | Forest Genetic Resources in the Former Soviet Union – L. Milyutin 196
|  | 90.72 KB |
3 | Conservation Genetics (J. C. Avise & J. L. Hamrick eds.) – Petar Zhelev 182
|  | 69.39 KB |
4 | Somatic Cell Genetics and Molecular Genetics in Trees (M. R. Ahuja, W. Boerjan & D. B. Neale) – J. Ďurkovič 212
|  | 77.4 KB |
5 | Vegetative propagation of Forest Trees (V. Enescu, L. Ionita & N. M. Palada)– J. Smîntana 236
|  | 66.51 KB |
6 | Geographic Variation in Forest Trees (E. K. Morgenstern) – D. Gömöry 226
|  | 57.21 KB |
7 | Molecular recognition of the closely related Fraxinus excelsior and F. oxyphylla (Oleaceae) by RAPD markers – S. Jeandroz, N. Frascaria-Lacoste & J. Bousquet 237
|  | 348.41 KB |
8 | Mating system and empty seeds in silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) – Andrej Kormuták & Dag Lindgren 231
|  | 271.22 KB |
9 | Relations between native Israeli and Jordanian Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) based on allozyme analysis: a note – L. Korol & G. Schiller 197
|  | 333.6 KB |
10 | Genetics and performance of Belgian poplar clones tested in Sweden – Bruno Ilstedt 183
|  | 788.49 KB |
11 | Comparison of RAPD linkage maps constructed for a single longleaf pine from both haploid and diploid mapping populations – T. L. Kubisiak, C. D. Nelson, W. L. Nance & M. Stine 203
|  | 554.06 KB |
12 | DNA amplification from single pollen grains of beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) – Barbara Vornam 213
|  | 259.82 KB |
13 | Detection of rare polymorphisms in mitochndrial DNA of oaks with PCR-RFLP combined to SSCP analysis – Sylvie Dumolin-Lapègue, Catherine Bodénes & Rémy J. Petit 227
|  | 221.5 KB |
14 | Viability selection in juvenile populations of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) – Rommy Starke, Martin Ziehe & Gerhard Müller-Starck 217
|  | 565 KB |
15 | Inheritance of RAPD and I-SSR markers and population parameters estimation in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) – Michela Troggio, Ettore DiMasso, Stefano Leonardi, Marta Ceroni, Gabriele Bucci, Paolo Piovani & Paolo Menozzi 173
|  | 570.07 KB |