Forest Genetics - Vol. 1, No. 1, 1994 - ISSN 1335-048X
Forest Genetics - Vol. 1, No. 2, 1994 - ISSN 1335-048X
Forest Genetics - Vol. 1, No. 3, 1994 - ISSN 1335-048X
Číslo | Názov dokumentu | Typ | Veľkosť |
1 | Conservation Genetics (V. Loeschke, J. Tomiuk & S. K. Jain, eds.) – T. Geburek 156
|  | 71.44 KB |
2 | Encyclopaedia of Woody Plants (P. Schütt, H. J. Schuck, G. Aas & U. M. Lang, eds.) – L. Paule 175
|  | 48.67 KB |
3 | Seminar on Genetic Conservation and Biodiversity in Taegu, Korea – R. Finkeldey 176
|  | 71.56 KB |
4 | Norway Spruce Provenances and Breeding (V. Rone, ed.) – L. Paule 156
|  | 71.44 KB |
5 | Silver Fir Provenances (H. Wolf, ed.) – L. Greguss 138
|  | 2.07 MB |
6 | Gain and effective population size following an index selection with variable weights – R. P. Wei & D. Lindgren 147
|  | 681.14 KB |
7 | Influence of gentic structures and silvicultural treatments in a beech stand on the population dynamics of the beech scale – V. Gora, R. Starke, M. Ziehe, J. König, G. Müller-Starck & J. Lunderstädt 157
|  | 495.37 KB |
8 | Provenance variation and estimation of genetic parameters in a trial of Pinus caribaea Morelet var. bahamensis Bar. and Golf. – Y. Q. Zheng, R. Ennos & H. R. Wang 165
|  | 495.37 KB |
9 | Adventitious root and shoot regeneration in vitro is under major gene control in an F2 family of hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa × P. deltoides)– K. H. Han, H. D. Bradshaw & M. P. Gordon 139
|  | 442.09 KB |
Forest Genetics - Vol. 1, No. 4, 1994 - ISSN 1335-048X