1 | Performance of some interspecific F1 pine hybrids in Zimbabwe – David P. Gwaze 283
|  | 461.11 KB |
2 | Canary islands pine (Pinus canariensis Chr. Sm. ex DC.). 2. Gene flow among native populations – L. Korol, S. L. Gil, M. J. Climent, A. Zehavi & G. Schiller 277
|  | 535.11 KB |
3 | Close linkage between glutamate oxaloacetic transmitase and phosphoglucose isomerase allozyme loci in Larix decidua Mill. –
|  | 158.73 KB |
4 | Andrzej Lewandowski 291
|  | 158.73 KB |
5 | List of PhD theses in forest genetics and related fields, Part 5 (1996–1999) – L. Paule 293
|  | 105.11 KB |
6 | Canary islands pine (Pinus canariensis Chr. Sm. ex DC.). 1. Differentiation among native populations in their isoenzymes – G. Schiller, L. Korol, E. D. Ungar, A. Zehavi, S. L. Gil & M. J. Climent 257
|  | 1.24 MB |
7 | Subpopulation differentiation along elevational transects within two Italian populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) – Stefano Puglisi, Raffaella Lovreglio & Margherita Attolico 247
|  | 664.64 KB |
8 | Genetic variation within two subspecies of Acacia nilotica – Mohan Varghese, Melinda A. Edwards & J. L. Hamrick 221
|  | 454.87 KB |
9 | Tree improvement and sustainable forestry – impact of two cycles of loblolly pine breeding in the U. S. A. – Bailian Li, Steve McKeand & Robert Weir 229
|  | 441 KB |
10 | Phenotypic plasticity in Western redcedar – Yousry A. El-Kassaby 235
|  | 407.19 KB |
11 | Allozyme variation in five populations of Pinus halepensis Mill. in Southern Italy – Stefano Puglisi, Raffaella Lovreglio, Salvatore Cifarelli & Vittorio Leone 241
|  | 356.79 KB |
12 | Typology of fruits and stones of Argania spinosa (Sapotaceae) – Fouzia Bani-Aameur, Abderrahim Ferradous, & Pascal Dupuis 213
|  | 1.75 MB |