Forest Genetics - Vol. 5, No. 1, 1998 - ISSN 1335-048X
Forest Genetics - Vol. 5, No, 2, 1998 - ISSN 1335-048X
Číslo | Názov dokumentu | Typ | Veľkosť |
1 | Population and Evolution Genetics of Pines (G. G. Goncharenko & A. E. Silin, A. E.) – L. Paule 102
|  | 43.08 KB |
2 | Advances in Insect Control: The Role of Transgenic Plant (N. Carozzi & M. Koziel, eds.) – J. Ďurkovič 130
|  | 61.15 KB |
3 | Biology of Norway Spruce (A. Boratynski & W. Bugała, eds.) – L. Paule (Zvolen, Slovakia) 131
|  | 74.32 KB |
4 | Assessment of Biodiversity for Improved Forest Planning (P. Bachmann, M. Köhl & R. W. Päivinen, eds.) – L. Paule 84
|  | 43.58 KB |
5 | Fertility variation in Milletia stuhlmannii, Brachystegia spiciformis, Brachystegia bohemii and Leucaena leucocephala and its effects on relatedness in seeds – A. D. Bila & D. Lindgren 119
|  | 794.97 KB |
6 | Observations on genotype × environment interactions and stability in the international neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) provenance trials in Bangladesh and India – S. K. Kundu, Q. N. Islam, C. J. S. K. Emmanuel & P. M. A. Tigerstedt 85
|  | 817.91 KB |
7 | Composition of the volatiles obtained by steam distillation of Quercus ilexL. leaves – Hartwig W. Pfeifhofer 97
|  | 262.92 KB |
8 | Genetic mapping of allozyme loci in four two-needle pine species of Europe – Grigori G. Goncharenko, Alexander E. Padutov & Lubov V. Khotyljova 103
|  | 887.53 KB |
9 | A plan for advanced-generation breeding of jack pine – Jerome I. Klein 73
|  | 754.43 KB |
Forest Genetics - Vol. 5, No. 3, 1998 - ISSN 1335-048X
Forest Genetics - Vol. 5, No. 4, 1998 - ISSN 1335-048X