1 | Tree and Shrub Names: Latin, Croatian, English, German with Synonyms (Borzan, Ž.: Imenik drveča i grmlja: latinski, hrvatski, engleski, njemački sa sinonimima) – B. Slobodník 124
|  | 72.02 KB |
2 | Variation of pollen grain size, fertility and pore number in Argania spinosa(L.) Skeels (Sapotaceae) – Fouzia Bani-Aameur 115
|  | 235.62 KB |
3 | Genetic response of forest systems to changing environmental conditions (G. Müller-Starck & R. Schubert, eds.) – L. Paule 158
|  | 48.24 KB |
4 | Vegetative Propagation Techniques for Oak, Ash, Sycamore and Spruce (D. Thompson, F. Harrington, G. Douglas, M.J. Hennerty, N. Nakhshab & R. Long) – J. Ďurkovič 166
|  | 25.44 KB |
5 | IUFRO International Symposium Pacific Temperate Conifers As Introduced Species (OrIéans, France, May 27–30, 2002) – J.-Ch. Bastien & J. King 169
|  | 106.53 KB |
6 | Professor Gene Namkoong – A. Yanchuk, S. Aitken, J. Burley, G. Eriksson 167
|  | 180.05 KB |
7 | Combined analyses of microsatellite and RAPD markers demonstrate possible hybridisation between Fraxinus excelsior L. and Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl – Christian Raquin, Stéphanie Brachet, Sylvain Jeandroz, Fernand Vedel & Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste 111
|  | 317.9 KB |
8 | Determining the optimum selection age for diameter and height in loblolly pine – David P. Gwaze & Floyd E. Bridgwater 159
|  | 478.14 KB |
9 | rDNA-its sequence of Armillaria species and a specific primer for A. mellea– Aleksandra Potyralska, Olaf Schmidt, Ute Moreth, Piotr Lakomy & Ryszard Siwecki 119
|  | 1.83 MB |
10 | Provenance variation in stem wood basic density and dry matter for Picea abies grown on farmland in Southern Sweden – Christina Lundgren & Bengt Persson 103
|  | 553.06 KB |
11 | Genetic variation of Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. F. (Dipterocarpaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia using microsatellite DNA markers – L. S. Lim, R. Wickneswari, S. L. Lee & A. Latiff 125
|  | 795.63 KB |
12 | QTLs for western gall rust (Endocronartium harknessii) resistance in lodgepole pine (P. contorta spp. latifolia) – Changxi Li & Francis C. Yeh 137
|  | 703.84 KB |
13 | Two-stage selection strategies in tree breeding considering gain, diversity, time and cost – Darius Danusevicius & Dag Lindgren 145
|  | 896.66 KB |
14 | Allozyme variation within and between nine Italian populations of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) – Stefano Puglisi, Raffaella Lovreglio, Margherita Attolico & Vittorio Leone 87
|  | 1.08 MB |