The botanical collection of the Technical University in Zvolen serves primarily for scientific and documentary purposes. It contains herbarium specimens of vascular plants and bryophytes; with a special collection of fungi. Each specimen, labelled with locality and date of collection, is a tangible evidence of the occurrence of a particular species in a particular time and space and is also an important source of information on the biodiversity of plants and fungi. The repository of vascular plants and bryophytes is located at the Department of Phytology, Faculty of Forestry, and the repository of fungi at the Department of Applied Ecology, Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences.
The collection is registered in the worldwide database "Index Herbariorum", maintained by the Botanical Garden in New York (USA), under the code acronym ZV.
At present, the ZV collection contains more then 14 000 specimens of vascular plants (comprising about 1900 species), originating mainly from the territory of Slovakia and other countries of Central and Southeastern Europe [list of species]. Estimated number of bryophytes ~ 1000 and fungi ~ 2000 specimens.
Vascular plants:
doc. RNDr. Judita Kochjarová, CSc., Department of Phytology, Faculty of Forestry, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia,
Mgr. Pavel Širka, PhD., Department of Phytology, Faculty of Forestry, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia,
Fungi: prof.
Ing. Vladimír Kunca, PhD., Department of Applied Ecology, Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia