Elite academics
Slovak Botanical Society
Participation in COST European Cooperation in Science & Technology
Study possibilities
The Department of Phytology cover academic subject areas of systematic botany, phytosociology, forest typology, vegetation dynamics and ecology, population and evolutionary genetics, forest tree breeding, embryology and forest tree species propagation, biotechnologies. Recently the interests of the Department expanded also to population, evolutionary and conservation genetics of game and wildlife species. Our overall goal is to contribute to the understanding biodiversity and to provide innovative and practical outputs that help to measure, manage and conserve biodiversity.
If you are interested in cooperation with us and would like to join our team for certain period, please see posibilities to apply for scholarhip for international students, researchers and scientists supported by the National Scholarhip Programme of the Slovak Republic. click here
Katedra fytológieLesnícka fakulta
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
Head of the Department
+421 455 206 232